Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

What is Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)?

Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to correct the shape and position of the ears. This procedure is carried out to correct protruding ears and achieve a more balanced appearance.

What is Prominent Ear?

A prominent ear, commonly referred to as "bat ears," is a condition where the outer edge of the ear sticks out more than usual towards the head. This can lead to the ears appearing larger or more protruded than desired.

What is Prominent Ear Deformity?

Prominent ear deformity refers to the condition where the ears protrude excessively or are shaped differently from the normal. This condition is often present from birth and may be desired to be corrected due to aesthetic concerns or psychosocial impacts.

How are Ear Surgeries Performed?

Ear surgeries, particularly otoplasty, are typically performed with an incision behind the ear. Reshaping and securing the ear cartilage allows the ears to be brought closer to the head.

How is Ear Surgery Performed in Children? At What Age Can It Be Done?

Ear surgery in children is typically performed around the age of 5-6 when the ear cartilage is fully developed. The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and is carefully planned to correct the ears in accordance with the child's development.

How Long Do Ear Surgeries Take?

The duration of ear surgery varies depending on the complexity and technique of the procedure, but typically lasts between 1 to 2 hours.

How is ear surgery performed with thread?

Suture otoplasty, represents a different approach from traditional surgical techniques. In this method, stitches or threads are used to bring the ears closer to the head, correcting their appearance. Here's a general description of this method:

1. Patient Evaluation: The first step is to evaluate the patient's ears. The shape, size, and unwanted folds of the ears are examined, and decisions are made about how the surgery will be performed.

2. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is usually applied before the surgery. The patient can be awake and may observe the surgical process.

3. Skin Incision: The procedure typically begins with a small skin incision behind or at the level of the ear. From this incision, necessary steps are taken to correct the shape of the ear.

4. Ear Reshaping: Reshaping the ear cartilage is one of the main goals of the surgery. Threads or stitches are used to bring the ear cartilage to a position closer to the head.

5. Placement of Stitches: The threads or stitches used to hold the ear cartilage in a closer position are secured to the ear cartilage.

6. Healing: After the procedure is completed, the patient's ears are wrapped with a bandage, and the healing process begins. Typically, within a few weeks, swelling and bruising subside, and the results become more apparent.

Suture otoplasty may be a less invasive option compared to traditional surgical methods and may offer a shorter recovery time. However, each patient's condition is different, and it is important to consult with an otolaryngologist for appropriate treatment options.

When Will I Recover After Ear Surgery?

Recovery time after ear surgery varies from person to person, but typically, normal activities can be resumed within a few weeks. Full recovery and visible results may take several months.

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